small change. big impact.
Hi you, nice to have you here!
I’m Tara.
I’m a holistic nutritionist and a medically certified health counselor.
I help you…
My Coachies experience long-lasting transformation in their holistic health.
Coaching topics include:
Diet rich in nutrients
Joy of movement
Daily relaxation
Beautiful skin and hair
Intuitive diet
Restful sleep
Emotional needs
More information about Coachings
“Listen to your tummy grumbling”
Even though we have in common that we eat every day, we do so for a variety of reasons.
Often we find something edible in our hands although we are not physically hungry. In “Listen to your tummy grumbling” you will learn that our nutrition is not only related to our knowledge about food or our discipline, but there are much stronger mechanisms behind it, such as our emotions or our habits. However, we can only change them once we scratch the surface and feel deeper inside ourselves to become aware of our true needs.
It is the small changes in our daily life that have a big impact.
You will see how easy health is, if you listen to your intuition and especially your tummy grumbling!
- Printable downloads
- Recipes
- Tips for your every day life
- Ways to intuitive eating
! Also available via apple books !
You have two homes: the earth & your body.

Here you will find all kinds of interesting information about holistic health.
Find out why even with the knowledge of healthy eating it is often difficult to implement.

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